Security & Cookies


Hot Interiors Ltd is committed to the security of customer information and we have security procedures in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under our control.

Your browser will go into secure mode as soon as you access the 'checkout' or 'login' pages, i.e. before you enter any personal or payment details. You can check that you are shopping in a secure environment by looking for either a locked padlock or a key icon in the grey bar at the bottom of your screen.

Being in 'secure mode' means that all of your details are encrypted to help keep them secure. Encryption creates billions of code combinations to protect each transaction made on our site, so your card details cannot be viewed by anyone else using the Internet. If you are using one of the more recent browser versions, our site supports 128 bit encryption and therefore keeps your details as safe as possible at all times.

We only accept orders that are placed using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This technology prevents you from inadvertently revealing personal information using an insecure connection. During payment, we also ask for your card billing address as an additional security check. No credit or debit card details are stored once your order has been processed.

We recommend that you always close down your Internet browser when you have finished shopping online, especially if you use a shared PC. This will delete temporary Internet cookies from any sites that you may have visited.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive.

We use cookies for the following reasons:Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive. We use cookies for the following reasons:.
� To ensure that items are placed into your Shopping Basket and orders are processed correctly..
� To identify you as you travel around our site..
� To provide site usage information, which together with purchase information, will further help us improve and develop the products and services we offer.

No recognisable personal information is stored in the cookie that can link it back to an individual.

You will need to ensure your cookies are enabled which will allow you to register your details and to purchase from our site.